Monday 1 June 2009

June 5th - Failed Path or New Road?

Speaking today AJ Cahill Said:-

"Politics has failed the people of Galway, we need to take a new road.

Galway can bypass the worst of the recession that is now engulfing every individual and family.

Job creation and retention is now the only game in town.

If elected I intend to reinvent the role of a councillor by using my expertise and energy to create “Action Teams” that will make Galway the number 1 location for tourism, renewable energy & software services in Ireland.

The Volvo Ocean Race has proven what Galway can do when we think big and embrace new ideas and leadership.

On June 5th the people of Galway will decide if we follow a failed path or take a new road."


AJ Cahill

Independent Candidate
Galway City Council West Ward

Monday 25 May 2009

Galway is going nowhere and is adrift

Speaking to day AJ Cahill said:-

"Last week the boats leaving Boston set a course for Galway because they knew that without a destination they were going nowhere.

Galway like the rest of Ireland is now going nowhere and is adrift.

People are disappointed, disgusted and disillusioned.

The dole queues are out the door, nothing seems to work and no ones has a plan.

It does not have to be like this.

Galway can set a new course.

We can work a new plan together.

For 20 years I have created and delivered many plans, including multi-million euro projects for eircom.

and started successful businesses.

Using my experience of working with Dr Jerry Cowley and the late Tony Gregory I have created a social plan that will positively impact every man, woman and child in Galway city."


Press Release - Loneliness is killing our “Grannies”


Senior citizens are well served by home help, the active retirements associations and organisation such as COPE who provide “meals on wheels”

However in houses across Galway many retired people are living alone, for some widowed grandparents this can be a living “death” when “Life” revolves around fear and isolation.

Speaking today AJ Cahill said “For anyone to live in our community behind a closed door with nothing but four walls and their memories is a stain on us as a people. Loneliness is a living death “

He states that It does not have to be like this. And if he is elected he will establish within 6 months a daily phone contact service called “Good Morning Galway” based on the successful “Good Morning Balanchardstown” service in Dublin that provides a daily “conversation” for these people and point at which city council, Gardai, home help & HSE community nursing service can be accessed and co-ordinated.

The service will alert designated relatives, friends or neighbours to visit and check the well being of a senior citizen who that does not answer when contacted repeatedly. In Dublin these visits have resulted in help being given to those who for example may have fallen but are unable to summon help.

AJ Cahill went on to say that “If elected the “Good Morning Galway” service will be established and funded using expenses given to me as a councillor”.

He will also seek the help of voluntary organisations to staff and run the service each day.

Finally AJ Cahill said “If politics in Galway is not about solutions and solving the problems we face then it is about nothing.”


AJ Cahill

Independent Candidate
Galway City Council West Ward

Monday 4 May 2009

Press Release - “Killinaskully” politics is ignoring Jobs crisis

Speaking today (4th May 2009 ) A.J. Cahill said:-

“The “Killinaskully” politics of Galway City Council is ignoring the worsening Jobs crisis in Galway City.

In recent years we have seen city council meetings abandoned and bar room brawls while shouting is a normal feature of council meetings.

Meanwhile unemployment has increased 81% in the last 12 months.

Unemployment is not only about the loss of income; unemployment steals dignity from homes and replaces it with fear.

Galway has unique advantages because of its size, location, popularity and third level institutions that if harnessed and exploited will allow Galway the opportunity to avoid much of the deepening recession by creating its own micro economy.

Galway urgently needs a plan to create jobs and a "smart" economy mindset quickly. In the absence of a Galway City Council plan to do this, I have put together my own plan for the creation of jobs with an initial target of 1000 jobs based upon riding the waves of new "smart" technologies like software services & renewable energy while expanding our tourism business.

Galway needs a fresh dynamic City Council focused on Job creation not another re-run of “Killinaskully” politics which will kill our only chances of economic recovery for 5 to 10 years dead.”

AJ Cahill

Independent Candidate
Galway City Council West Ward

Friday 1 May 2009


Press Release


Speaking today AJ Cahill Said:

"The continued lack of community facilities in Knocknacarra is increasing social problems and damaging the community fabric in Knocknacarra. As the recession deepens, more people will be made unemployed and become idle. The absence of these facilities reduces the activities available for young and old. The lack of facilities will become more acute over the next 2 years. Galway City council is broke and the development levies paid by each homeowner have been spent.

The people of Knocknacarra can have a community centre, indoor pool & sports facilities that meets the needs of all young and old alike. These facilities can be located in the heart of Knocknacarra. These facilities can provide a “home” for community groups such as the active retirement association, "Mother & Toddler" groups and drama groups.

Other communities across the country have provided these facilities for themselves by looking to themselves. Land is available, €300,000 euro is sitting in a bank for this purpose for years. The community can if it wants have exactly the facilities it needs and wants, 14,000 people can service a community mortgage for example by way of a local lotto. It is time for the community to stop waiting on false promises and start building. If I am elected I will work with the People of Knocknacarra to put a community centre and related facilities in place or not seek re-election."


AJ Cahill

Independent Candidate
Galway City Council West Ward

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Press Release - Galway City West Local Election Independent Candidate Announcement

Press Release 10th March 2009

“I wish to announce my intention to stand for election in the west ward of Galway City council as an Independent candidate in this summers local elections on June 5th.

I have attached my plan to create Local Jobs & Solutions in Galway that I intend to implement if elected this summer.

The number of people signing on in Galway City alone has increased by 74% in last 12 months from 6,198 to 10,810 people.

Many people are worried about keeping or getting a job. Ongoing local problems with traffic, schools and crime affect every one of us.

Talk is not going to solve our current problems. We need a plan and new leadership - I have prepared a plan to create good local jobs that depends on good local solutions. To implement it, I need I need the platform afforded a city councillor in the media and the city to drive this plan forward.”


AJ Cahill

Independent Candidate
Galway City Council West Ward.