Monday 25 May 2009

Press Release - Loneliness is killing our “Grannies”


Senior citizens are well served by home help, the active retirements associations and organisation such as COPE who provide “meals on wheels”

However in houses across Galway many retired people are living alone, for some widowed grandparents this can be a living “death” when “Life” revolves around fear and isolation.

Speaking today AJ Cahill said “For anyone to live in our community behind a closed door with nothing but four walls and their memories is a stain on us as a people. Loneliness is a living death “

He states that It does not have to be like this. And if he is elected he will establish within 6 months a daily phone contact service called “Good Morning Galway” based on the successful “Good Morning Balanchardstown” service in Dublin that provides a daily “conversation” for these people and point at which city council, Gardai, home help & HSE community nursing service can be accessed and co-ordinated.

The service will alert designated relatives, friends or neighbours to visit and check the well being of a senior citizen who that does not answer when contacted repeatedly. In Dublin these visits have resulted in help being given to those who for example may have fallen but are unable to summon help.

AJ Cahill went on to say that “If elected the “Good Morning Galway” service will be established and funded using expenses given to me as a councillor”.

He will also seek the help of voluntary organisations to staff and run the service each day.

Finally AJ Cahill said “If politics in Galway is not about solutions and solving the problems we face then it is about nothing.”


AJ Cahill

Independent Candidate
Galway City Council West Ward

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