Monday 25 May 2009

Galway is going nowhere and is adrift

Speaking to day AJ Cahill said:-

"Last week the boats leaving Boston set a course for Galway because they knew that without a destination they were going nowhere.

Galway like the rest of Ireland is now going nowhere and is adrift.

People are disappointed, disgusted and disillusioned.

The dole queues are out the door, nothing seems to work and no ones has a plan.

It does not have to be like this.

Galway can set a new course.

We can work a new plan together.

For 20 years I have created and delivered many plans, including multi-million euro projects for eircom.

and started successful businesses.

Using my experience of working with Dr Jerry Cowley and the late Tony Gregory I have created a social plan that will positively impact every man, woman and child in Galway city."


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